In case you happen to click on the checkbox by mistake, click on the same checkbox again and this will deselect the option and the check mark will be removed from the checkbox. Clicking on the checkbox inserts a check mark icon into the checkbox, indicating that an option has been selected.
Insert Checkbox in ExcelĪs you must have already seen on online forms, a checkbox also known as 'Tick Box' is a little square box that allows you to select or deselect an option by clicking on it.Ĭreate presentation on mac. In this tutorial you will find the steps to Add or Insert Checkbox in Excel, in order to create an interactive checklist, inspection report or a to-do list. Press the Delete key or Backspace key on the keyboard to remove the text box from the spreadsheet.Press and hold the left mouse button on the circle, then drag the mouse cursor in the desired direction to increase or decrease the size of the text box.Place your mouse cursor over one of the circles on the outer edge or corner of the text box, so the cursor changes to a double-sided arrow.When selected, there are small circles on each corner and in the middle of each side of the text box.
Find the text box and click the outer edge to select it.Open the Excel spreadsheet containing the text box.The further you drag the mouse, the larger the text box that is created. Press and hold the left mouse button, then drag the mouse down and to the right to 'draw' the text box. Move the mouse cursor to where you want the text box to be located.On the Insert tab, click the Text option on the far right side, and select the Text Box option.
Click a link below and follow the instructions for adding, resizing, or removing a text box in Excel. Text boxes allow for diverse text placement, helping you to create a more interesting and informational layout in your spreadsheet.Īfter adding a text box, you may decide to change the size of the text box, or to remove it. Using a text box, you can create a block of text that appears above, below, or next to data, charts, or other objects. The text you place inside the box wraps to the next line at the boundaries of the box. A text box is a separate area in your spreadsheet, with boundaries and position that you can change. Microsoft Excel allows users to add or insert a text box in a spreadsheet.
The following procedure explains how to change the name that appears on notes, not threaded comments. Excel labels notes by using a name that you specify in the Options dialog box.When the cell containing the drop-down list is selected, you'll see a down arrow button to the right of the cell. Enter a Title and an Input message and then click the 'OK' button. Make sure the 'Show input message when the cell is selected' box is checked. To do this, click the 'Input Message' tab on the Data Validation dialog box.You may select the 'Combo Box' and drag any of the small squares in the middle of the boundaries or circles in the corners to change the size. Click on the Excel Sheet at a location where you want to place the 'Combo Box'. Go to the Developer tab in the Excel Ribbon - click Insert - click on 'Combo Box' under 'Form Controls'. Do any of the following: Add or remove a picture border. Click Shape Format, and then click the arrow next to Shape Outline. Select the shape or text box to which you want to add, change, or remove a border.